Thursday, December 28, 2006

vote for the name!

VOTE!!! (not for bush ffs, for the game's name!!)

a) DBU / DragonBall Universe (taken)

b) DBU / DragonBall Unleashed (taken)

c) DBO / DragonBall Online (taken)

d) DBmmorpg / DragonBall the mmorpg

e) liveDB / DragonBall Live

f) DBU / Dragonball Unlimited

g) DragonBall Beyond Reality (prefered)

h) add your idea here (how? post a comment!)

i'm still not happy with any of the names, but i'm voting for a

Saturday, December 16, 2006


now i've been thinking a lot about it

(about what ? read the previous post ..)
(oh and dont ask me again those kind of stupid questions)

and i think it's possible.
that if i set up a community big enough, with various people, we could create the ultimate game in history :D

imagine a game where the environment is massive, so massive that if you decided to take a tour around the world (ingame) it would take more than 80 days.
and there is more than one planet that is inhabited.

the game revolves around your character that you create, and use and advance in the game.
each race lives in it's own planet, and each race has certain attributes (read further posts about details)
each planet has its own 7 dragonballs, (which are active one week after their last use) and the universe itself shares 7 black star dragonballs, which reset one month after their use)

now the wishes are not certain prizes or somesh*t, they are your honest wishes, cause when u use the dragonballs, you talk directly with a GM (game master, real player character that works for the game/company) and you make your request/wish. if he can do it he does it.

so you see, the game now takes a new purpose, seeking the dragonballs.

i have a whole bunch of ideas, and i am slowly slowly writing them down on this blog.

for instance : born a child, grow up to be a man, at first you walk, then you run, the you run really fast, real fast, then u learn to fly. and at some point, flight will be unnecessary due to teleportation.

no level cap, no power limitations. the numbers just keep growing.

real scenario : a sayian power lvl 40000 can unexpectedly beat a 150000 power lvl namek, if the sayian can become super sayian. battles will have unexpected results due to the fact that you can't tell a character's level, only their current power level (and in cases of some races an estimate using a device if incapable of sensing)

characters have LP, HP, Ki, Stamina as main gauges
(Life Points, Hit Points, Ki (energy), Stamina (short gauge for rested/fatigue)

you can get knocked out
but if you die, it's not easy to resurrect again (i.e. use of dragonballs to resurrect team players)

upon death you enter another realm, another place.

world tournaments


super sayians




make your own class (no predefined classes what-so-ever)

real area physics (oops did i blow up a tree ? it'll stay blown up until someone fixes it)

buy a house, there's plenty of room (each planet will be gigantic)
massive = 10 x WoW covered area
gigantic = 10 x massive :P

ideas fly through continuously
this was a preview

think of the possibilities

a game for the gamers by the gamers

exited ? want to join in and help ?
every little bit helps ! (no i dont want your frikkin money, i need your head!)
it doesnt matter if you can program, draw or not (although some c# directx programmers would be awesome)

as long as you know what mmorpgs are, fan of dragonball and is exited as i am to make the best game in history!

so join ! comment underneath and/or email me!
or just drop an idea or comment.
the more the better

so what's this mmorpg ?

Definition : mmorpg is a massivly multiplayer online role playing game

is any of those terms are not familiar with you, then get of your rock and come back to earth.

well everyone knows wow, aka world of warcraft, and i believe (strongly) that it's the best game of all time. luckily i stopped playing since i needed my life back. what life who am i kidding ? i should start playing again.. :P

oh and by the way, get used to my humor, i know it's bad, and it makes reading my blog all that much harder but just bear with me..

*burp* sry :P

see ? it's those terrible spontaneous thoughts that come to me, and unfortunately for you, i write them. (well not all of them)

right.., back to the mmorpg

i want to either make or play (rather make and play) and mmorpg, which is a huge universe based on the world presented in the infamous anime series Dragonball (db, dbz, dbgt)
Never heard of dragonball ? Funny i didn't know you get internet on those rocks. :P

so in the following posts, i am going to present this magnificent idea i have for the best selling game of all time. and no, my purpose isnt to become a $$$ by selling it, i'm mostly thinking of making it open-source, and available to the world for the cost of running the servers it will require.

for off, i need a name for the game. read on the newer posts where you'll read all about my ideas and etc.. but if you are going to comment here please think of a name.

and no, it cant be "world of dragonball" or "dragonball - the mmorpg"
the game isnt a rpg of dragonball. it doesnt follow the storyline of goku and his family, it's simply the world they exist in.

so far my favorite name is "dragonballs" and the domain is available too :D
(sh*t, by saying that some one's probably gone and bought it already :P)

so go on, post !


welcome to my blog
you're either here because

a) i told you so

b) randomly (i.e. you don't know me)

c) i've become famous and nobody can resist reading my blog (recommended)

so anyway keep on reading and dont steal my ideas please :P
mostly i'm going to write about my thoughts, ideas and projects that i hope to follow.

oh what am i ?
who am i ?

it's not important :P